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How to convert a CSV to Excel?

CSV files offer several significant advantages compared to Excel files, including the ability to add an unlimited number of rows and columns. However, a drawback of this file type is that it is generally less readable than, for example, an Excel file. It is not without reason that CSV files are often converted to Excel or Google Spreadsheets to make them more legible and easier to filter.

Convert CSV to Excel

Convert CSV to Excel. Step-by-step guide.

To convert a CSV file to Excel, we import the CSV into a new Excel file. Follow the steps below for this process:

  1. Launch Microsoft Excel: Open Microsoft Excel on your computer. You can typically find it in the Start menu (Windows) or the Applications folder (macOS).
  2. Open a New Workbook: Create a new Excel workbook or open an existing one where you want to import the CSV data.
  3. Click on the "Data" Tab: In the Excel ribbon at the top of the window, click on the "Data" tab. This tab is where you'll find the tools for importing data.
  4. Select "Get Data" or "Get External Data": The exact wording might vary depending on your Excel version. In some versions, you'll see a "Get Data" button, while in others, it may be labeled "Get External Data."
  5. Choose "From Text/CSV": Click on "From Text/CSV" or a similar option. This will open a file dialog box for you to locate and select the CSV file you want to import.
  6. Locate and Select the CSV File: Navigate to the directory where your CSV file is saved and select it. Click "Import" or "Open" to proceed.
  7. Text Import Wizard: Excel will open the Text Import Wizard. Here, you can specify how Excel should interpret the CSV file. Follow these steps:
    • Delimited or Fixed Width: Choose "Delimited" if your CSV file uses commas, tabs, or another character to separate data, or choose "Fixed Width" if the columns are of fixed width.
    • Select the Delimiter: If you chose "Delimited," specify the character that separates your data, such as a comma, tab, semicolon, or space. Preview the data in the Data preview window to ensure it's correctly split.
    • Column Data Format: Set the data format for each column. You can choose from General, Text, Date, etc. Make sure this matches the data in your CSV file.
    • Data Preview: Examine the data preview to ensure that your data is being split and formatted correctly.
  8. Click "Load" or "Import": Once you're satisfied with the settings, click the "Load" or "Import" button. This will import the CSV data into your Excel worksheet.
  9. Review and Edit: After importing the data, it will be displayed in your Excel worksheet. Review the data to ensure it's correctly formatted. You can make any necessary edits or adjustments at this stage.
  10. Save the Excel File: If you want to save the changes you've made, make sure to save the Excel file.

That's it! You've successfully imported a CSV file into Excel. You can now work with and analyze the data as needed within Excel.

Convert CSV to Google Sheets. Step-by-step guide.

To convert a CSV file to Excel, we import the CSV into a new Excel file. Follow the steps below for this process:

  1. Open Google Sheets: Go to Google Sheets (sheets.google.com) and sign in to your Google account if you're not already logged in.
  2. Create a New Spreadsheet: Start a new spreadsheet by clicking on the "+ Blank" option, or open an existing spreadsheet where you want to import the CSV data.
  3. Import the CSV File:
    1. From the Menu: Click on "File" in the top left corner.
    2. Select "Import": From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Import."
    3. Choose File: A dialog box will appear. Click the "Choose a file" button to locate and select the CSV file you want to import from your computer. You can also import from Google Drive or a URL if your CSV file is hosted online.
    4. Select Import Location: Choose whether you want to import the data into a new sheet or an existing one.
    5. Click "Import": After specifying the import settings, click the "Import" button.
  4. Adjust Import Settings:
    1. Delimiter: Google Sheets will automatically detect the delimiter used in your CSV file (e.g., comma, tab, or semicolon). Make sure it's correctly detected. You can change it if needed.
    2. Convert Text to Numbers and Dates: Check the box labeled "Convert text to numbers, dates, and formulas" to ensure that text is interpreted correctly.
    3. Replace Data at Selected Cell: If you're importing into an existing sheet, you can specify the cell where the data should start.
    4. Data Format: Set the data format for each column as "Automatic" or choose a specific format if necessary.
  5. Click "Import Data": Once you've configured the settings, click the "Import Data" button. Google Sheets will import the CSV file into your spreadsheet.
  6. Review and Edit: Review the imported data to make sure it's formatted correctly. You can make any necessary edits or adjustments at this stage.
  7. Save: Google Sheets automatically saves your changes, so there's no need to save the document explicitly. However, you can rename the document if you wish.

That's it! You've successfully imported a CSV file into Google Sheets, and you can now work with and analyze the data within your spreadsheet.

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