Consumer Behaviour The Netherlands

Datasets / Consumer Behaviour / The Netherlands /

Consumer Behaviour The Netherlands

More insight into consumer behavior, attitude and interests are the key to a more targeted and more effective marketing strategy. You have access to data, but how do you ensure that these insights ultimately result in targeted campaigns? With Spotzi we want to simplify the process from analysis to strategy. How? By mapping the data in our geomarketing dashboards. Map data on consumer behavior by postcode or profile current customers based on location. The data is ready for use in the geomarketing dashboard. This way you as a Spotzi user can immediately get started with your analysis and turn them in targeted, data -driven campaigns.

This consumer data in the Netherlands is available as an add-on for Spotzi profiling and Spotzi targeting .

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Find your target market in The Netherlands

Do you want to use your marketing budget as effectively as possible? Then it's wise to first divide the market. This is also called market segmentation. By segmenting the market into smaller groups with common characteristics, such as age, purchasing behavior, income, or even attitude.

What are the benefits of market segmentation?

Market segmentation offers various advantages:

Increased customer focus
By dividing the Dutch market into smaller target groups, companies can use their marketing efforts and budget more effectively. In addition, you can better tailor your message to the needs and preferences of potential customers, resulting in more effective marketing campaigns, higher conversion rates, and more revenue.

Cost savings
By segmenting target groups and targeting campaigns, companies can optimize their marketing efforts and avoid unnecessary expenses. This can lead to a higher ROI on marketing investments.

Competitive advantage
Companies that use market segmentation can differentiate themselves from their competitors by targeting specific target groups and better meeting the needs and preferences of those groups. This can lead to a long-term competitive advantage.

With more insight into these characteristics, you not only have an advantage over competitors, but they also help you make your message even more relevant to your audience. This way, you can build personalized campaigns that appeal to the interests and behaviors of each segment. The result: Effective and impactful campaigns that convert.

What types of market segmentation are there?

You can segment the market based on the following characteristics:

Spotzi Audience Segments help you to segment areas based on behavioral and psychographic characteristics. With access to over 70 characteristics, you gain more insight into your target audiences. From sports enthusiasts to foodies.

About target audience segments in The Netherlands

Gain more insight into your Dutch target audience and always target the right audience with Spotzi Audience segments. These unique consumer profiles help you gain more insight into interests, preferences, attitudes, lifestyles, and other psychographic characteristics.

Using audience segments for market segmentation in The Netherlands

Do you want to expand your business (internationally) to The Netherlands? Then market segmentation can be very interesting. It helps you to investigate specific market segments, determine interesting locations, but also to carry out targeted marketing campaigns without having to advertise nationally.

What insights do the Audience Segments of The Netherlands offer?

The audience segments offer more insight into various psychographic characteristics such as personality, lifestyle, social status, activities, interests, opinions, and attitudes.

The following characteristics have been collected in this dataset, among others:


Art & Entertainment: These provide more insight into the use of specific media. Think, for example, of theater and art lovers or people who like to attend live events.

Cars and Boats: Do you deal with an audience looking for a new car? Or are you looking for a target group that owns a boat or a yacht?

Tech and Gadgets: Is your target group known as an early adopter of new technology and gadgets? Then the audiences from this category are very interesting.


Environment: Are you looking for environmentally conscious target groups? Then go for the Keeping it Green target group.

Work and Education

Within these audiences, you can, for example, see if you are dealing with business professionals. This is a very interesting target group if you want to set up targeted B2B campaigns.

Do you want to specifically target a target group with a higher education at a college or university? Then you can find the areas with an above-average concentration of higher-educated people with the post-secondary attendants.


Luxury: With the Life of Luxury segment, you target groups that have above-average spending on luxury goods. In addition, they are happy to spend extra money if it yields more luxury and comfort.

Health: Do you have a target group that is excessively concerned with healthy eating? Or are they people who are often found in the gym? Then the audience segments in this category offer the right target group for your campaign.

How can companies use the audience segments of The Netherlands?

At Spotzi, many customers already use market segmentation. For example, to investigate new markets and use their marketing budget more effectively. However, there are still many other interesting benefits. You can find some examples below:

Choose new locations

Are you planning to open a new supermarket or restaurant? Will you opt for larger Dutch cities like Melbourne or Sydney, or choose an area where your competition may be less present but your target audience is more concentrated? For instance, you can select areas where there is a high concentration of fine diners. Home cooks are also a very interesting audience segment for supermarkets.

With Spotzi's geomarketing dashboards, you can explore the areas around your potential new locations. For example, search within a radius of 10 kilometers around your establishment, and we will tell you exactly which audience segments are present in that area.

Build comprehensive consumer profiles based on your Dutch customer base

Did you know that you can enrich your customer data with audience segments using location data? Import the (shipping) addresses known for your customers, and Spotzi will enrich them with audience segments based on location data. This will give you more insight into the psychographic characteristics of your current customers, and you can use this profile to find new customers.

Create targeted marketing campaigns in The Netherlands

For out-of-home and outdoor advertising, build a targeted outdoor advertising strategy and reach the audiences interested in your products and/or services with your billboards. With more insight into where they live, you will know where your OOH campaign will have more impact.

For digital advertising, make your online campaigns even more targeted and use these Dutch audience segments on top of your current targeting strategy to build campaigns that convert. If you are already targeting a few affinity segments through online advertising, use these audience segments for a cross-media approach to your campaign.

For direct marketing campaigns, use these target audience segments to make your direct mail even more targeted. Direct your mail only to the areas that fit within your ideal consumer profile, and get more return on investment from your marketing budget.

What questions can I answer about my Dutch target audience?

With this consumer data and our dashboards, you can find answers to various questions about your target audience. These insights will help you target your campaigns to your best-fit customers. Here are a few examples:

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thumbnail Spotzi welcomes TomTom as a new data partner for global traffic and POI data.


Spotzi welcomes TomTom as a new data partner for global traffic and POI data.

Spotzi partners with TomTom for global traffic data and POI data, enhancing GeoMarketing insights for strategic growth and OOH advertising effectiveness.