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Map sharing

Sharing maps is a great way to share insights with your colleagues or customers. This feature allows you to share fully interactive maps while determining who has access and for how long.

Shared maps allow viewers to see and interact with your map, but not with additional data blocks such as graphs and charts. Shared dashboards do not allow users to filter the data within the dashboard.

Create a shared map

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  1. Go to MY MAPS and select the map you’d like to share.
  2. Click the SHARE button in the bottom left-hand corner.
  3. A list of options will appear. You can choose to add a search bar, zoom buttons, a legend, or to create a completely static map. You can also choose if and how you want people to be able to export your data (Spotzi Mapbuilder, PDF, Image, Excel (CSV), GeoJSON, KML or Shapefile).
  4. Set an activation period; you can always edit this period later on.
  5. Click CREATE SHARE to confirm.
  6. Add users. If you don't want to add any users simply continue by clicking the PUBLISH DASHBOARD button — this will create a private map that is only visible to you. You can always add more users at a later time. For more information please read our article about user management and access.
this is an image

Edit your shared map settings
After creating your shared map, you can edit settings such as legends or export options. To change these options, go to MY DASHBOARDS and click the options button (or gear icon) next to your shared map. Select the SETTINGS option to change your settings.

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Gain access to our free catalog of maps and dashboards. Find Postal Codes, learn more about global income differences or just get inspired by our community maps. Spotzi Explorer is our free solution for every marketer, researcher, student and beyond. Available as a stand alone solution and part of our price plans.

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