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What are common evening locations?

In the realm of trade area analysis and visitor profiling, two important terms are frequently employed: Common Evening Location (CEL) and Common Daytime Location (CDL). These terms are particularly relevant in the context of understanding consumer behavior and mobility patterns.

Common Evening Location (CEL)

The Common Evening Location (also known as Visitor Origin Points) refers to the specific place where a mobile device is most commonly found during evening hours. To identify this location, sophisticated algorithms are employed, drawing from extensive historical mobile location data spanning several months. Evening hours, for the purpose of this analysis, typically range from 6 pm to 8 am and also include weekends. By analyzing where a device 'rests' during these non-work hours, a likely home location can be derived.


The methodology behind determining the Common Evening Location involves employing algorithms that crunch vast amounts of historical data from mobile devices. These algorithms look for patterns during specific time frames, specifically during evenings and weekends when individuals are not typically at work. By analyzing where a device remains stationary and consistently resides during these hours, a common location is identified. This location is significant because it provides insights into where people likely spend their evenings, indicating potential areas of interest for businesses and marketers. Identifying where a device stays stationary during these times provides crucial insights into common locations, forming the basis for home location profiling.


Understanding Common Evening Locations is vital for home location profiling. Identifying where people predominantly reside during leisure hours offers valuable insights into consumer preferences. This information empowers businesses to tailor strategies and services for their target audience, optimizing customer engagement.

GDPR compliance and data privacy

To prioritize privacy, the data used for home location profiling and determining Common Evening Locations is carefully anonymized and aggregated. Personal identifiers are removed to comply with data privacy regulations, ensuring individual identities are protected.

In essence, exploring Common Evening Locations is a key step in home location profiling, providing businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior. By understanding where individuals likely spend their evenings, organizations can better tailor their approaches to enhance customer satisfaction while upholding strict data privacy standards.

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