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Blank Map

Drawing your own custom map from scratch has never been easier. Spotzi’s interface allows you to add points, lines, and polygons to every map — both manually and via the use of an external file (such as a KML). In this case, we will show you more on how to create a blank map and to draw your points, lines and polygons manually.


Create an empty map

Create an empty map

1. Go to your home screen and open the BLANK MAP option to start.

Name your map

2. Name your map and click CREATE MAP.

Open dashboard

3. After your map has been created, click OPEN DASHBOARD. In here, you are able to draw points, lines and polygons.

How to draw a map?

Go to the Map Style Editor

1. In order to draw points, lines or polygons on your newly created map, you have to go to the MAP STYLE EDITOR in the top bar.

Add points to a map

2. In the map style editor you get an overview of all the map layers. To add new points, lines or polygons to your map. Because this is a new map with one layer attached, click the only layer in the left sidebar.

3. Select the map feature you want to add (point, line, or polygon). In this case we select a point.

4. Begin clicking on your map to add your feature.

Save points on a map

5. Confirm your additions by clicking the SAVE button.

Add multiple map features

6. Now repeat these steps to add more points to your map. Click DRAW ON MAP. If you’re unsatisfied with the location of any of your features you can simply drag and drop your point, line or polygon to a new spot on your map.

Add more information to your point, line or polygon

Spotzi's map editing capabilities allow users to edit a map’s features directly, or to add content such as PDF URLs and images to each feature.

1. Open your map and click the point, line, or polygon you’d like to edit.

2. An infowindow will pop up; click the small data icon to edit the data attached to that feature.

3. A list of all your feature attachments will appear. You can choose to:

Edit data fields

Edit data on the map

1. To modify the data of a feature on the map, fill in the fields in the list with all available information.

2. Click on APPLY to apply the changes.

Show Data in an Infowindow
If you want to make the information of each point visible by clicking on it, you should use the infowindow option. You can find more details in our Help Center article about the Map Style Editor.

Add extra fields

Add columns

Click the ADD COLUMNS button in the bottom left-hand corner of the menu to add extra fields to a map feature. You can add fields such as:

Remember: When editing your data within your map you are also editing its dataset. That means that any maps connected to this particular dataset will change as well.

Map Styling Options

Map Styling Options

Map styling is an essential part of customizing your geomarketing dashboards. A well-selected range of colors makes a big difference in how a viewer might interpret the data you’re presenting. Spotzi’s predefined map styling options allow users to effortlessly create attractive and insightful dashboards. You can also stylize custom maps in order to match your brand identity — or that of a client! Our interface allows you to customize markers, icons, logos, colours, and even your own CSS. You have the following options:

For more information about Map Styling Options, please visit our page about Map Style Editor.

Customize your dashboard

Now you have styled your map, it is time to customize your dashboard. With Spotzi you can add graphs, text, images, change the layout and many more. Everything to enhance data communication, enabling storytelling and informed decision-making. It engages users, provides context, and offers a deeper understanding of geographic data. Aesthetically pleasing and inclusive, this approach amplifies the impact of your dashboards. In the dashboard customizer you have the following editing options:

For more information about setting up your dashboard further, please visit our page about Dashboard Builder.


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